Public API

JSHG provides the following functions for you to integrate it with your applications:

1. JSHG.init()
Description: This function must be called before running JSHG. It initializes all necessary components, variables for JSHG and creates a secondary thread to detect hand gestures from the frames of web camera.
Parameters: It requires a javascript object as a parameter. That object contains following properties:

Name Type Required Description
actionCallback function yes the function JSHG will call to pass a HandGesture object detected from web camera frames. More details about the HandGesture object can be found at here.
learnCallback function no the function JSHG will call when it finishes the learning process. No argument is passed to this function.
learnDivId string no the id of a <div> on DOM where you want JSHG to show web camera video to learn skin color from users.
gestureDivId string no the id of a <div> on DOM where you want JSHG to show the gesture images.
settings Object no you can customize JSHG by passing an object to this parameter. The available options are mentioned at here.
workerConfig Object no This parameter should be used by advanced users. If you create your own worker to detect hand gestures, you can pass configs to the worker by this parameter. JSHG uses JSCV library by default. Only one property is available. It is "parallelMode", accepts "true" or "false".
<div id="gestureShownHere"></div>
var actionMapper = function(gesture) {
    if (gesture.isLeft) 
        console.log("Hey, your hand is on the left side");
    "actionCallback": actionMapper, 
    "learnDivId": "gestureShownHere",
    "gestureDivId": "gestureShownHere",
    "settings": {
        "cameraWidth": 500, 
        "cameraHeight": 400, 
        "gestureDisplayWidth": 100, 
        "gestureDisplayHeight": 80

Description: this function is called to start JSHG. It starts reading the web camera frame and process the image data.
Precondition: JSHG.init() must be called before calling this function.

3. JSHG.learnSkinColor()
Description: This function is to start the learning process. After the learning process, is called automatically and the learned colors are saved into localStorage.
Precondition: JSHG.init() must be called before calling this function.

4. JSHG.stop()
Description: This function is to stop JSHG. It does not release any resources. It just pauses the camera video and remain the status of KSHG
Precondition: or JSHG.learnSkinColor() must be called before calling this function.

5. JSHG.delete()
Description: This function releases all resources. After calling this function, JSHG.init() must be called before JSHG can be used.

6. JSHG.isRunning()
Description: it returns true if JSHG is running; otherwise, returns false.

HandGesture Object

JSHG pass a HandGesture object to the "actionCallback" function when calling it. The attributes and methods of HandGesture class are available at below

Name Type Description
isLeft boolean It is true when the position of hand is on the left side of bounding line.
isRight boolean It is true when the position of hand is on the right side of bounding line.
isUp boolean It is true when the position of hand is above the bounding line.
isDown boolean It is true when the position of hand is below the bounding line.
nFingers number the number of fingers JSHG detected.
handPos [number, number] the position of hand
equals(other) function return true if two HandGesture objects have the same attributes.
isSameRelativePos(other) function return true if two HandGesture objects have the same isLeft, isRight, isUp, isDown values.
isSameAbsolutePos(other) function return true if two HandGesture objects have the same handPos value.
isSameNFingers(other) function return true if two HandGesture objects have the same nFingers value.

Settings options

User can customize JSHG by passing an object to JSHG.init(). The following options are available:

Name Type Description
cameraWidth number the width of web carema frame. This number affects the performance of JSHG. If it is big, it may detect hand gesture more accurately but JSHG takes more time to process a frame. It is good to keep it at the default value if you do not have computer vision background.
cameraHeight number the height of web carema frame. This number affects the performance of JSHG. If it is big, it may detect hand gesture more accurately but JSHG takes more time to process a frame. It is good to keep it at the default value if you do not have computer vision background.
gestureDisplayWidth number the width of gesture output frame. It should be smaller than cameraWidth.
gestureDisplayHeight number the width of gesture output frame. It should be smaller than cameraHeight.
actionRate number this number tells JSHG how many times it should call actionCallback function per second. Set it -1 if you want JSHG to call actionCallback function whenever it finishs processing a frame.
learningCountDown number How many seconds JSHG should wait for users in the learning process.
learningPoints 2D array List of points where do you want to get the skin colors. It is 2D array of pixel points (col, row), for example [[100,120], [130,200]].
skinColors 2D array If you have the skin colors in HSV space, you can pass them to here. For example, [[200, 0.7, 0.5], [280, 1.1, 0.9]]
colorLearningPoints string the color of points which are shown on the screen to get the skin color during the learning process.
colorHandPos string the color of point representing the position of hand on the gesture output frame.
colorFingerPos string the color of points representing the position of fingers on the gesture output frame.
colorBoundingLines string There are four dot lines on the gesture output to show the left, right, top, down areas. The color for these lines can be set at here.
workerFilePath string If you want to create your own worker to track hand, this is the place your put your file path.